A Touch of Pink

Hey beauties x

This week I thought I should share with you my latest discovery and that's basically me in a shoe. These Pink Flats are gorgeous. I mean who doesn't love frills!  These are simply something different to wear when you don't want to wear your basic sneakers or ballerina flats. Although some might find it hard to pair them with outfits or feel uncomfortable because they're a little out there, there still very subtle as they're a muted shade of pink. Perfect for a day on the go, yet still making a statement.

I paired these Bata flats with black skinny jeans from new look, A simple white t-shirt from Calvin Klein and I had to throw on this pink biker jacket from H & M that matched perfectly with the pink of the shoes. Contrasting the girly image of the shoes by edging it out with the jacket. They are the perfect pre-fall shoes before the rain starts to kick in. 

What do you think ?

Nicole x

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