Keratin Treatment REVIEW

Being that the summer months are upon us, that means going to the beach more often and washing your hair more often. For people with manageable hair that might not seem like a problem, but anyone with frizzy uncontrollable hair like me it is truly a nightmare.

I get keratin treatments done quite often done to my hair yet this time I tried a different hairdresser and the 4 G treatment instead of the usual. It is meant not to wash off and last longer approx 6 months depending on hair growth. I gave it a try and I am so happy with the results. With the amount of hair I have I do not expect my hair to come straight naturally but I just air dried my hair with a blower and my hair came manageable. The time to straighten my hair is so much shorter and the greatest part is leaving the house with straight hair and not puffing up into a frizz ball by the end of the day.

The process is quite long but definitely worth it, It took me 4 hours in the salon then again I do have a lot of hair and very thick hair. After 2/3 days you can wash it and I'm amazed at the results. I definitely recommend it. 

The hairdresser I went to is located in Naxxar, Malta and definitely worth the price.
Her link below:

Hair after 3 days of the treatment, washed and air dried

Natural hair a week before treatment

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